Rescue Dog Becomes Victim Of A Hit And Run, Community Helps Pay For His Emergency Surgery

The community of Grand Junction, Colorado raises over $2,500 for a rescue dog who got loose during a walk and became a victim of a hit and run.

On February 19, Happy Little Rescue wrote on Facebook, “Yesterday was an extremely tough day.”

This was because one of their rescue dogs, named Peanut, became a victim of a hit-and-run accident while going out on a walk.

The rescue group shared that Peanut managed to slip out of his harness while going on his walk with a volunteer.

“Immediately our staff raced to the location, but Peanut had tried to cross a busy road and was the victim of a hit and run,” Happy Little Rescue wrote.

They added, “Thankfully a kind stranger stepped in to stay with Peanut and call Mesa County Animal Services where he was transported to Animal ER of the Western Slope.”

Happy Little Rescue revealed that one of their volunteers covered Peanut’s entire emergency room bill. However, that is not where the story ends and Peanut “still has a long and costly road to recovery.”

The rescue group found out that Peanut suffered a severe break to his front leg, and the best course of action was amputation.

The rescue group shared that the total cost of Peanut’s amputation was $2,400 and that they needed donations to cover the pooch’s bill.

“Peanut is an incredible dog who deserves the best chance at a full and happy life.”

And so, that’s what the community of Grand Junction did — they banded together and raised a total of $2,644 in a span of three days for Peanut’s surgery.

In those three days, Happy Little Rescue said that the community’s generosity “has truly blown them away”.

A local craft brewery, Base Camp Beer Works, even did a donation drive for Peanut called “Pints For Peanut”. And people can purchase a pint and choose to make a personal donation towards the pooch’s recovery.

Base Camp Beer Works wrote, “This little guy stole hearts at our last adoption event, making friends left and right. Now, facing a challenging time, we’re rallying together for Peanut’s speedy recovery. Your donation, big or small, will mean the world to everyone at the rescue!”

Peanut underwent surgery on February 21, and the rescue group shared, “Peanut had a successful surgery thanks to Kokopelli Animal Hospital and can now start on his road to recovery.”

The additional money raised for Peanut is said to be used to pay for supplies the pooch needed in order to fully recover.

However, the rescue group said that if anybody has supplies such as non-slip bath mats, cooling pads, sensitive stomach food, and enrichment games, they are free to donate.

“If anybody has these supplies available to donate instead, then we will use the remaining money to help Happy Little Rescue Jiggy receive his Neuro consult to address his mobility issues,” the rescue shares.

There’s still a long way ahead of Peanut’s fully recovery, but the rescue group is happy and thankful that the pooch was given another chance at life.

On Happy Little Rescue’s latest update on Peanut, they said, “These dogs and their stories, THEY are who you are helping when you support the Happy Little Rescue. Every time you donate, we are able to SAVE dogs like Peanut and Jiggy. We can’t thank you enough for helping us give them a second chance at life.”

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